Differentially-Private Decision Trees with Probabilistic Robustness to Data Poisoning

Oct 12, 2023·
Daniël Vos
Jelle Vos
Tianyu Li
Tianyu Li
Zekeriya Erkin
Sicco Verwer
· 0 min read
Decision trees are interpretable models that are well-suited to non-linear learning problems. Much work has been done on extending decision tree learning algorithms with differential privacy, a system that guarantees the privacy of samples within the training data. However, current state-of-the-art algorithms for this purpose sacrifice much utility for a small privacy benefit. These solutions create random decision nodes that reduce decision tree accuracy or spend an excessive share of the privacy budget on labeling leaves. Moreover, many works do not support continuous features or leak information about them. We propose a new method called PrivaTree based on private histograms that chooses good splits while consuming a small privacy budget. The resulting trees provide a significantly better privacy-utility trade-off and accept mixed numerical and categorical data without leaking information about numerical features. Finally, while it is notoriously hard to give robustness guarantees against data poisoning attacks, we demonstrate bounds for the expected accuracy and success rates of backdoor attacks against differentially-private learners. By leveraging the better privacy-utility trade-off of PrivaTree we are able to train decision trees with significantly better robustness against backdoor attacks compared to regular decision trees and with meaningful theoretical guarantees.
arXiv preprint